Tuesday, October 16, 2007

IndySec 12

It's happening. 10/18/07

Broad Ripple Brewpub. Meeting there sometime between 6:45-7:00pm.

If you like, please share the most interesting and/or recent technology book you've read. I am currently reading Network Warrior and have the Pragmatic CSO (Rothman) on the way.

Saturday, October 06, 2007

IndySec 11 - thank you

Just wanted to post a quick note about IndySec 11.

First, a big thank you to Landon (and roommates) who hosted the event.
We had eight/nine people in attendance. A good time was had by all.

For those curious, we had speeches/labs on VoIP security and the [in]security of cable internet/modems.

I am still working in IndySec 12.
